Hydraulic gradient
Hydraulic gradient

hydraulic gradient

This indicates that only the stress ratio in the plane of wave propagation is important to the shear wave velocity. It is also found that the stress ratio has some effects on the downhole (or SV crosshole) tests,īut not on the SH crosshole tests. Stresses in the wave propagation and particle motion directions can predict the variation of velocity ratio between the downhole and SH crosshole tests. It is found that although the various equations can predict the insitu shear wave velocity profile reasonably well, only the equation which is based on the significant In the downhole and crosshole seismic tests, results are used to evaluate the empiricalĮquations that relate shear wave velocity and soil stresses in terms of field stress condition. The bearing capacity coefficient, Nγ, decreases linearly with footing width on the log-log scale which is in accordance with other model study and analytical results. It is found that due to the stress level effects, Terzaghi's bearing capacity formula is compared with the observed bearing capacities under different stress levels. The test results illustrate the importance of the stress level in the load-settlement responses. Load-settlement curves are found to be similar to those in centrifuge tests. Modelling test are satisfied, and are similar to those of the centrifuge modelling technique. In the footing tests, it is found that the scaling laws implied in the hydraulic gradient Three applications are presented in which the hydraulic gradient similitude method is evaluated, and the existing concepts and methods of analysis for the problems An apparatus (UBC-HGST) using this testing principle has been developed. Testing principle and procedures are presented, and the factors affecting test results discussed. This method employs a high hydraulic gradient across granular soils to effectively increase self-weight stresses in the model. A study has been undertaken to evaluate and apply the hydraulic gradient similitude

Hydraulic gradient